Big Fish Games
UX Design
Game Store Mockups
While a an overhaul much larger in scope was being finalized for the Game Store website, designing some lower-lift styling and layout improvements to modernize key pages was needed. These mockups were for 3 key Game Store pages to help in making style decisions for the next iteration of the website.

Game Club Page Redesign
For players looking for benefits and discounts in the Game Store website, a membership to the Game Club is essential.The sign-up page to the Game Club needed to to illustrate the 6 benefits and match the new modernized Game Store brand. The page instances needed to target 5 differnet player cohorts according to their Game Club status. Along with the Page refresh, new benefit icons were needed to reflect the established icon for "The Catch", so that all the benefit icons looked to come from the same family.

Game Page Redesign
The mobile game pages featured on the Big Fish Games website went through a redesign. With the template mostly in place on the content managment system, assets needed to be resized or created to fit that new design. Once done, those assets were uploaded and put in place, but the template still needed some polishing. Through rigourous troubleshooting, adjustmets, and reworking assets the page templates met the final approved design.